Springfield Oregon (Eugene Oregon’s neighboring city) has provided a large portion of Beck Painting’s business. Beck Painting has painted houses all over Springfield Oregon. From Glenwood to Thurston, downtown Springfield to Cedar Flats, Deerhorn to Walterville, Beck Paining has been fortunate enough to make homes beautiful. We have also painted numerous commercial properties in Springfield over the years. Springfield Oregon is our sister city so if you need painting services in the Springfield area we’ve got you covered! To learn more about Springfield visit www.ci.springfield.or.us
When the Dairy Queen on Main Street was remodeled in 2016 Beck Painting Inc did all of the interior and exterior painting.
This is a picture of a Springfield ranch house we painted that had a giant Koi pond in the back yard.
When the Olmid and Swinney building needed to be repainted they hired us for the job.
This home located on the outskirts of Springfield has the most beautiful country surroundings.